


Here at Maranatha, it is our mission and privilege to spread the Gospel of Christ throughout our community and the world. The Bible teaches us:

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 28:19

So here we see that God has commanded in His Word that we should reach out to our community and the world to spread God’s message of love and salvation. We do this at Maranatha Baptist Church through our “GPS” program which stands for “Go, Pray, Scribe.”

GPS is a great opportunity to get involved serving God and spreading the Gospel message. Through it, we can use the diverse talents of our church members to win our neighbors in Jacksonville to the Lord. Whether it’s the G(Go) team going into every corner of Jacksonville and inviting people to church; the P(Pray) team who stay back and pray for those going out; or the S(Scribe) team who correspond with those we have already reached – every member can help and through our labor God can be glorified!