Young Adults



The Lord has blessed His house here at Maranatha with a great Young Adult Ministry. Led by biblically grounded and Spirit-led instructors, our Young adults gather both for Sunday School at 10:00AM for a lesson, and also are invited to participate in our Friday Night Fellowships twice a month where they get together for a night of clean Christian fun, sharing testimony, and praise; and most importantly studying the Word of God.

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16 (KJV)

The Word of God is full of commands to learn the Scriptures, teach the Scriptures, and to love and pray for one another without ceasing. It also calls for us to be separate from and peculiar to the world as far as honoring and glorifying God and doing things that please Him. Our Young Couples and College Age Ministry at Maranatha is a great opportunity for those in the 18-30 age range to learn more about the Lord, grow spiritually, and enjoy the blessing of spending time in fellowship with those of like faith and practice. Please contact us for more information on this ministry. It would be a blessing to have you growing with us here at Maranatha!